Saludos, friends <3 Here we are with the final section of this series. Hopefully, I'll be compelled to write something real next time.
1. Which purchase gave you the worst case of buyer's remorse?
If you mean a purchase I regret because it was useless or not at all what was advertised, I can think of a few. Namely, my first ever anti-depressant hahahahahahahahaha Prozac fucking sucked :)
2. When have you been happiest in your life?
Surrounded by the laughter of my friends. Cheesy, I know.
3. Which life-changing event did you think would be negative but has actually been positive?
The first time I auditioned for professional theater. I made it to the final round of casting before getting rejected and at the time, I thought I would never step foot on a stage again. Little did I know I had just caught the theater bug. You're looking at a drama major in the making ;)
4. Who are your happiness role-models?
Bob Ross, Fred Rogers & Steve Irwin because the internet told me so. They are the true holy trinity. Also animals. They are so unafraid to live in the here and now. We have much to learn from them.
5. What was the most fruitless thing you've done to make yourself happier?
Something I'm not very proud of.
6. Which fruit do you wish was more available?
Avocados, man.
7. What's your favorite way to spend time outside?
Me? Outside? Never.
Lol jk I can tolerate being outside as long as I'm near a swimmable body of water.
8. If you could move to the happiest place you can imagine where would that be?
Somewhere with universal healthcare. Bit sad, innit?
9. How much control do you have over your thoughts?
More now than I ever used to.
10. What are you usually doing when you lose yourself in something enjoyable?
Singing or dancing or writing :)
11. When was the last time you swallowed your anger and felt better?
Bitch, NEVER. Anger is meant to be felt. There's a reason it's there.
12. Do you bring energy into a room or suck it out?
I like to think I brighten the energy in a room, but I guess I'll never know for myself.
13. When you get nothing substantial done in a day, how do you feel about yourself?
14. Is happiness the point?
It's a huge part of the point.
15. If you could be famous for anything what would you choose?
World's most renowned and accessible and successful therapist. It'd be rad to be able to help people while also raking in that ca$h money.
16. What are your top three strengths?
Oh boy... Resilience, compassion and warmth maybe?
17. If you had to rate your wealth by the quality of your life's relationships how would you measure up?
I'd be a zillionaire, babeyyy ;)
18. What color makes you happiest?
purple purple purple purple purple purple purple <3
19. When you leave your friends are you energized or exhausted?
As an extroverted introvert, most everyone leaves me feeling exhausted save for a select few. It's nothing personal.
20. Does work contribute to your happiness or take away from it?
If you mean my most recent job, being around kids couldn't bring me more joy :)
21. Who's the happiest-smelling person you know?
Happiness smells like something? Who knew ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
22. Which kinds of decisions exhaust you?
The hard ones.
23. How do you decide whether an experience is positive or not?
My gut feeling is typically very opinionated.
24. What bad habits contribute to our unhappiness?
The assumption that we can find permanent happiness outside of ourselves.
25. How much are you influenced by others' unhappiness?
Ya girl is a heavy empath sooooooo... Negative energy hits hard.
26. How much of your day do you spend in your car?
Lmao you thought I had a car 😆
27. Are you book-smart or street-smart?
I'd like to think a bit of both? I can read people pretty well.
28. Are there certain foods or drinks that make you feel happier?
Strawberries and cream, without a doubt.
29. What gives your life meaning?
The people I love.
30. What one thing would make you happy?
Absolving my family of all debts and intergenerational trauma.
31. How much of your thinking is concerned with the past or future?
A lot of it. At this stage in my life, the present is greatly affected by both.
32. When do you get your best ideas?
Circa 3AM EST.
33. When are you happiest?
When I feel useful and appreciated.
34. Are you healthier when you're happier?
A million times more, yes.
35. Who's the best boss you ever had?
Chloe's mom, for sure. Chloe is a dog, by the way.
36. What everyday problem bothers you?
Putting in and taking out my contacts, ugh.
37. What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Very few things lol
38. What's your favorite way to distract yourself?
Pinterest works wonders. Reading old fanfics too.
39. When you shut your eyes at night what do you think about?
The kind of person I want to be in this world. That, and every single embarrassing thing I've ever done in my life :)
40. What's the best part of your physical appearance?
I like my smiley eyes. You know. The squinty eyes I make when I smile. That's how you can tell it's real.
My butt is pretty nice, too ;)
41. Can you overdose on things that make you happy?
You can overdose on anything if you try hard enough.
42. When are you the most impatient?
When I'm hungry or tired. Bonus points if it's both.
43. What do you do for fun?
What do I not do for fun?
44. Do you remember your dreams?
Surprisingly, yes. Nine times outta ten I'll remember the details of my dream the night before. It's pretty sick, not gonna lie.
45. Are you happy right now?
Parts of me are. The rest of me will catch up someday.
These were fun to answer. I hope you had fun reading :)
Hasta la próxima,
Much love xoxo